Thursday, October 31, 2019
China as a threat to the US Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
China as a threat to the US - Research Paper Example China has become so strong economically and militarily that it has caused debates to erupt regarding whether or not it would ever go into a war with other powerful countries in the world in genral and the US in particular. However, the fourth generationââ¬â¢s leadership in China considers nourishment of a peaceful environment its most sacred goal so that the Chinese people can be pulled out of poverty. The US has been facing the issue of dealing with a politically repressive yet economically rising China since the late 1990s. There have been frequent debates about the containment and engagement policies. China can be considered as a threat to the US because of a number of reasons that include but are not limited to ââ¬Å"A RISING ECONOMIC POWER ARMED WITH A ONE-PARTY DICTATORSHIP AND INCREASING MILITARY CAPABILITIES, FEAR OF A COLLAPSE OF CHINA, AND THE VISIBLE STRENGTH OF CHINESE NATIONALISMâ⬠(Zhao 85). China is, indeed, a threat to the US on economic grounds. The main con cerns of the stakeholders and the policymakers in the US with respect to China include ââ¬Å"CHINAââ¬â¢S EFFORTS TO MAINTAIN AN UNDERVALUED CURRENCY, ITS MIXED RECORD ON IMPLEMENTING ITS WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO) OBLIGATIONS, ITS RELATIVELY POOR RECORD ON PROTECTING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS (IPR), AND ITS EXTENSIVE USE OF INDUSTRIAL POLICIESâ⬠(Morrison para. 2).... In case the Sino-American tensions keep rising, the whole world in general and Asia in particular would be divided into a new cold war. If that happens, it would result in sustained growth of the prospects of conflict and confrontation thus posing threat to the growth of Chinaââ¬â¢s economy. Alternately, ââ¬Å"A DEEPENING U.S.-CHINA ENTENTE WOULD BRING WITH IT INCREASED POSSIBILITIES FOR STABLE, SUSTAINED WORLDWIDE ECONOMIC GROWTH, THE PEACEFUL RESOLUTION OF OUTSTANDING REGIONAL DISPUTES, AND THE SUCCESSFUL MANAGEMENT OF PRESSING GLOBAL PROBLEMS INCLUDING TERRORISM, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND THE PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONSâ⬠(Friedberg 36). China is likely to resuscitate as a threat to the US after the removal of the threat of terrorism because of her rapid economic growth. China understands that the major powers in the West are the driving forces behind the development of the current international system. China is very much likely to take measures to develop such internation al norms that address her own interests. Thus, it is very important for China to take a more active role in the creation of the new world order. Taking everything into consideration and visualizing the matter in a broader frame, it becomes apparent that ââ¬Å"CHINA IS MORE LIKELY TO POSE A THREAT TO U.S. INTERESTS IN EAST AND SOUTHEAST ASIA THAN TO U.S. GLOBAL INTERESTS, AT LEAST FOR MANY DECADESâ⬠(Ross and Feng 11). In spite of the fact that China poses threat to the US both economically and militarily since it is a nuclear power also, it is unlikely for China to erupt into a war with the US. War happens when the challenger that starts overtaking the dominant power is dissatisfied. The combination of overtaking, dissatisfaction, and parity happens to
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Teen Prevention Programs Teen Prevention of Sex Research Paper
Teen Prevention Programs Teen Prevention of Sex - Research Paper Example The study involved a randomized sample of 8430 students between the ages of 13 and 15 from 25 schools in Scotland. The students were evenly divided into two groups: control and experimental groups. The experimental group consisted of students who participated in the SHARE program and the control group consisted of students who participated in the sex-education program. The research was built around a conceptual framework reported in the literature. A review of the literature indicates that previous studies report that conventional sex-education programs have functioned to improve the sexual behavior of teens. However, those studies were based on methodologies involving experimental groups rather than randomized trial samples. Thus this study was intended to use a randomized trial sample as a means of determining whether or not conventional sex-education provided a benefit over and above new programs that were specifically aimed at altering the risky sexual behavior of teens. The research methodology involved participating schools to either implement the SHARE program or to continue with the sex-education program. The students were administered a self-reporting questionnaire within six months the completion of the programs. A further follow-up questionnaire was conducted two years later. An evaluation was conducted to determine the authenticity of the programs. The evaluation took into account variables such as context, delivery and studentsââ¬â¢ responses to the programs. Results indicated that there were no significant differences in sexual behavior after the completion of both programs based on the follow-up questionnaire. Vastly similar numbers of members of both control and experimental groups reported being sexually active by the time the programs were half-way through. Similar numbers also reported using condoms as well as engaged in unprotected sex. However, for students in both groups that had withdrawn from the school, there
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The effects of globalisation on healthcare
The effects of globalisation on healthcare The increased movement of both goods and people increases opportunities for the spread of disease around the world. There are also concerns about the following: potential public health problems due to market liberalisation, the emergence of new diseases globally and worsening of existing ones due to climate change and governmental oversight over economic policies that can affect spending on healthcare. International cooperation as a result of globalisation has also had a great impact on health practices in many countries including Europe. In this backdrop, as a healthcare management consultant working for an international organisation, you are asked to examine the implications and effects of globalisation on healthcare management. Identify the effects of globalisation on healthcare Globalization in a general view is causing profound and diverse myriad of changes in the very nature of the society which can bring new possibilities and risks as well. The effects of globalization in healthcare are creating a growing concern on the health of the citizenry. Globalization itself is an extremely complex phenomenon where there is the interactive and dynamic co-evaluation of multiple cultural, economic, technological m environmental and social norms and trends at various conceivable scales. According to Rennen and Martens (Rennen W, Martens P, 2003) , globalization is defined on a contemporary notion as an intensification of cross-national cultural, economic, political, social and technological interactions that lead to the establishment of transnational structures and the global integration of cultural, economic, environmental, political and social processes on global, supranational, national, regional and local levels. However, the identification of the possible effects of globalization on healthcare goes far and even beyond the current capacity of our mental ability to capture and decipher the dynamics of the global system that we are in. This may be due to the interdeterminacy and ignorance of what the global system itself is all about. Globalization has both positive and negative effects to health care. One of the major concerns by which healthcare is primarily affected by globalization is through the increasing and worsening of internationalization of various health risks. However, if you will have to define the terms and other dimensions of the health risks such us technological, economic, social, political and cultural as well as scientific aspects. The linkages between healthcare and globalization are quite complex. Globalization itself is a multifaceted phenomenon which can affect healthcare in various ways. According to Woodward et al, 2001 (Woodward D, Drager N, Beaglehole R, Lipson D ,2001), the consequences of globalization in health is that it can either be direct, at the level of the entire populations, individuals and various healthcare delivery systems, or indirect through the economy and other factors such as sanitation, water supply and education. With the complex and complicated depth of issues concerning the effects of globalization in healthcare, it is a must that we focus on the risks to health and the delivery of health care to people which are strongly related to the central core of aspects of the globalization process which include travel, trade and exchange of ideas and information. The liberalization of international trade policies has brought forth multilateral trade negotiations in the past 50 years which ended in the establishment of the World Trade Organization according to Bettcher et, 2000. (Bettcher DW, Yach D, Guindon E, 2000) We cannot deny that economic wise, increasing trade is highly beneficial. At the back of the economic advantages of globalization, the health risks of the people are highly magnified. The important examples of health risks are alcohol, tobacco and global epidemics, the development of non-communicable diseases as well as trade in health services. Globalization poses a lot of risks to healthcare but on the other hand, it can provide a myriad of benefits. The improvisation of information technology has dramatically and effectively increased the speed in exchange of information thereby facilitating the ease of data flow. The medical discoveries in various countries can be made readily available to patients from other countries, Wassenaar,2003 (Wassenaar, 2003). Globalization served as catalyst in hastening the links in medical researchers across the world who are working into one health concern. This was best exemplified by the response of the global community to SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome). The internet served as the link between scientists working on global cooperation to impressively and rapidly identify SARS virus and the development of the diagnostic test. The rapid response of the global community to pandemics was a fruit if globalization, Gerberding,2003. (Gerberding JL, 2003). Globalization comes with an ounce of responsibility. It is imperative that governments and other international institution should work into the improvisation of healthcare and the proper management of the negative effects of global mobilization. WORD COUNT: 723 words NOTE: the references are included in the body of the text. Please read and be guided. Assess the influence of international institutions in healthcare settings As international borders are dissolved, people and commodities are at its optimum mobility which can create challenges to healthcare. These challenges concerning healthcare are not to be addressed by national governments alone. Otherwise, these concerns brought about by globalization to healthcare should be dealt with international institutions and organizations. The influence of the international institutions in various healthcare settings goes beyond the influence in the health practices among health professionals and providers. The government has made their step towards the achievement of their health goals towards international cooperation. Thus, it paved the way into the realization of health policies encompassing the various effects of globalization in terms of migration and social changes in norms and cultural practices related to health. One of the most effective ways of influencing the healthcare setting of a specific country is through the promulgation of various policies related to health. It is through the ratification and strong implementation of policies and guidelines which will foster the health and wellness of the citizenry. Global governance is said to be the act of giving more importance in the formulation of health related policies. The most important body or organization in the implementation and governance are the Wirkd Bank (WB) and World Health Organization (WHO). These are the most important figures in carrying out global governance regarding health. World Health Organization assumes the important roles of health in the economic development in reference to the Millennium Development Goals (UN Millennium Development Goals) The protection of the citizens against a myriad of health risks remains a daunting task. Though the health standards and practices are formulated, the growing number of public- private partnerships for the promotional of health related policies. WORD COUNT: 288 words Evaluate the impact of European Union membership on workplace health practices. A healthy citizenry is one of the major requirements for the prosperity and productivity of the economy. The fact is that the key factors into achieving economic growth include life expectancy, morbidity and mortality rate and the general health state of the population. It will be a major burden for a society to spend too much on health related problems. Thus, it will be logical enough to set health expenditures as the priority in terms of investment to promulgate the prevention and protection of the general health of the population. The European Union has significant impact on the health services delivery in the members of this international body. EU laws can have significant impact on the health care delivery system though the major attempts of national governments to keep their health care services. Moreover, infections and illnesses know no borders at all. Through the European Union, boarders across European countries have been considered non-existent. There is more room for doing business and travelling into other members of the Union. With active across the borders activities, people are more prone to pandemics. The laws pertaining to medical practices and healthcare settings across European countries are all based on the fact that the members of the European Union must provide added value most especially on the major health threats, issues which have a cross -border or international effect. Questions related to the free movement of services, people and goods should be addressed in order to get rid of possible development of diseases across countries. The common values on health care policies are more adopted towards the rights of the patients in terms of participation in their care and decision making as well as literacy in their own health. The health policies of the members of the European Union are geared towards the delivery of health to various age groups, race or social status. WORD COUNT: 311 ( Word count :1300 )Total Word Count 1322 Question 2 You are employed by Sahara Oil Company based in Qatar as their Occupational Health expert. The company produces and refines oil; it also explores gas deposits. There has not been a recent review of the environmental effects of the companys operations. You have responsibilities for the environmental health issues of Sahara Oils operations in Qatar. As well, one important responsibility you have been given is to be conversant with the impact of environmental legislation, directives and guidance and the processes that organisations need to adopt in order to provide health protection to the employees of the company, their families and the members of the local community who are affected by Sahara Oils operations in Qatar. 2.1 Identify the economics of adopting a policy of environmental awareness in heath care settings. The healthcare industry has underwent tremendous momentum in the attainment of sustainability trends. Environmental policies are of utmost values to the health care facilities across the global community. Green health care settings have sorted out their resource to incorporate environmentally friendly practices into the health care delivery system. The appeal to health care providers and institutions are for a myriad of reasons related to the awareness of the environmental responsibilities of their profession. Eco-friendly health care settings shall evolve to become a requirement rather than an option for those who are responsible enough. As environmental awareness and the advantages of environmentally friendly facilities and equipments in the health care sector start to spread and so the health care professionals are learning on how to adapt with their work environment. Green Health care offers the most potent way to safeguard and protect the welfare of Mother Nature. This is a compelling challenge especially those from the health care sector. However, through the promulgation of environmental policies in a health institution, it provides a new avenue for the exploration of leadership in the community. It is very cost efficient when you deal with the greening of health care settings more specifically its long term effects on the overhead expenditures. All of these rationales was brought to the attention of those who have attended a green health care workshop by the Institute of Medicine. The most compelling reasons why environmentally friendly policies and awareness campaigns in health care settings shall be done for the fact that most of the healthcare providers themselves believed in its potential to directly and indirectly promote and protect health. ( Institute of Medicine, 1999). The health benefits of environmental policies can operate in three scales: the locality, the entire community and the global communities around the world. The local scales shall include the walls of the hospital, facilities for research studies, clinics, construction of green structures, and the protection of visitors, workers and patients alike. According the Office of the Federal Environmental Executives, green building can be best defined in a myriad of ways green or sustainable building is the practice of designing, constructing, operating, maintaining, and removing buildings in ways that conserve natural resources and reduce pollution (OFEE, 2003). There are a lot of ways to on how to inculcate environmental advocacy in the practice in various healthcare settings. In choosing cleaning agents, the limited use of pesticides can greatly reduce the potential harm and toxicity for those who are exposed in substances. The reduction of ecological footprints by reducing the hazards placed by the hospital in terms of the environment and the protection of the natural resources can greatly help in the promotion of environmental responsibility in health care settings. The global community can help in the stewardship of scarce resources as well as the reduction of the degradation of the environment. A hospital which purchased food or supplies from the local sources are reducing the need for long distance transportation thereby results into the reduction of the associated green house gas emissions of vehicles. All of vehicular exhausts contribute to the climate change. 2.2. Assess the actions that need to be taken by organisations to maintain the environment. The petroleum industry has stated above is one of the contributors of waste products in the world. The process of refining petroleum is dubbed to be one of the most heavily regulated industries in the United States as stated by the DOE- OIT. (DOE-OIT, 2000, p. 1) In reference to the EPA fact sheet, there are several reinforcement actions for companies comprising the 30% domestic refining capability and the engaged settlement and negotiations of companies comprising the 20%. (EPA-Office of Compliance Sector Notebook for the Petroleum Refining Industry, 1995) Petroleum refining companies are dealing with the environmental impacts of their daily operations and responsible enough to regulate their impacts to nature. In the immediate future, the petroleum industry will most likely face pressures to seek the expansion of their capacity fast. What these companies should seek into is the management of potential regulatory consequences related to global warming. Eventually, the operations of this highly intense industry shall be strongly affected with the environmental advocacies they have in mind. Organizations related to health care sector are dubbed to be another major contributor in the waste production. Given the increased and intensified awareness of the environment and the financial costs which are strongly associated with waste products and the impact to public health, a lot of health institutions are adopting environmental policies which are to be practiced and observed as well as the reduction of waste product. The offer for equally efficient and effective alternatives should be at a less expensive price. The reprocessing of medical equipments are practiced by the general populace over the years. This has led to a lot of cost efficient savings for the improvement of health care services. Both the petroleum industry and the health care sector should aim on several things. The conditions were to construct high performance buildings at a consistent amount. There should be the application of shared scientific researches conducted by the hospital and the petroleum refining companies. To further strengthen the environmental advocacy, these industries and organizations shall seek to incorporate the green and environmental policies into their overall plan of improvement of communities and employees. What hospitals and health care settings is to reduce the pollution coming from vehicles. The hospital can utilize a hybrid engine or non diesel parking shuttle as well as public transportations. Carpooling can be an option for those who work in these industries. Other strategies to regulate the environmental impacts may include use of bike racks and electric hybrid cars. It was said that the health care industry have environmentally related practices but most are still on the look for viable options on how to manage their waste products. (Diconsiglio J. Reprocessing SUDs reduces waste, costs. Mater Manag Health Care. 2008) 2.3 Specify the measures that exist to improve workplace health and safety practices As a method of risk reduction for employees, a lot of companies over the past several decades have paved the way into the existence of work place health promotion programs. These programs for health promotion and safety practices have resulted in the reduction of absenteeism and tardiness, increased retention of employees and the reduction of health care costs as well as the satisfaction of its employees. There are a myriad of evidence that health promotion and programs for wellness have proven successful for employees and companies alike. When we speak about occupational safety, Occupational health and safety is a cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment (M.A. Farooqui, 2010) Work related accidents do not just happen without a cuse. Oftentimes they are brought about by the unsafe acts done by workers themselves due to unsafe working conditions. An oil spill for an instance is a bad results of an unsafe practice committed by petroleum refiners around the world. The reasons behind this unsafe occupation related acts would include inadequate work experience, poor knowledge of the task at hand or poor attitude towards their work and nature of task. Workers are not aware that they are continuing wrong procedures and work relatd activities due to the fact that they are not knowledgeable enough of what they do. The lack of enough knowledge primarily exists because of a myriad of reasons. An individual might do well on job routines under normal circumstances but when unusual changes and conditions arrive or they have been assigned to a challenging job , he person might most likely to make a mistake in his job that would lead to occupational related accidents. What organizations should do is to revitalize their occupational and work safety policies. Perhaps it would be useful for them to make specific steps in addressing the health and occupational safety needs of employees on all sectors of the workforce. Moreover, Safety and occupational health encompasses mental, social, physical well beings of the working population. To ensure the success of occupational safety and health practices of organization, it would require the participation and collaboration of the workers and employers alike in health and safety programs. It shall be brought to their knowledge that occupational health and safety policies are related to industrial hygiene, engineering safety, psychology, toxicology and occupational medicine. Issues on occupational health are often given less attention because safety issues are generally more challenging by nature. However, a healthy workplace is a safe place to work with by definition. Both of the health and safety issues must be addressed to achieve a successful occupational environment for workers. Awareness is the key to help in the promotion of occupational health and safety programs. Those programs must be visibile among workers and the active participation of employees will ensure the success of a program. Risk assessment of employees can be a beneficial strategy to safeguard the health of workers. Increasing the knowledge of employees is very essential to make lifestyle modification a successful approach to address health related issues. The awareness and knowledge of employees on the procedures will reinforce their knowledge. Teach your employees to identify the warning signs of medical issues as reported by a doctor. Wellness programs are important to make employees more active and optimistic at work. The entire being of a workers should be taken into consideration for occupational safety and health programs to be successful. Question 3 You have been appointed consultant to a pharmaceutical company in Mumbai that sources clinical trial contracts from abroad, especially the United States of America and western Europe. Because of its international operations, the work force of the company is also varied with employees from various countries around the world. You are asked to explore the issues that affect the companys operations in the current economic environment when implementing healthcare management practices. Analyse the responsibilities of organisations in improving work place health and safety. Employees in various occupations are being confronted with a myriad of hazards in their place of work. Safety and occupational health can address a wide range of workplace hazards from the insidious toxic fumes, noise, stress, heat and other accidents related to their job. The goal of all health and safety programs must be geared towards the attempt to solve the dilemmas related to the prevention of work-related accidents and diseases. The workplace of today are experiencing a rapid change and growth due to the presence of multitude of factors such as diversity, advancing technology and global workplace all affect the safety and occupational health conditions of various industries. International level firms must understand the real meaning if diversity at work and how to deal with the dynamic nature of the work force brought about by the globalization. Employers on the other hand, must be responsible enough to provide a safe working environment for all employees. This in accordance to the declaration made by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Good business and organizations must determine the hazards associated with the operations to protect their employees from being injured. The role of organizations in the improvement of safety and occupational health is through the careful preparation of their strategies in order to address and meet their obligations to make necessary risk assessments, place measures necessary for the health and safety of employees. The recommendations that organizations are making should be achieve on an action plan for the control or elimination of health and safety risks. There are specific things to consider when you want organizations to be responsible. Organizations should commission, organize and coordinate the risk assessment procedures among their employees. This is to ensure that the needs of those who are on the look for a safer workplace and healthy occupational environment. In order to ensure the absence of accidents among employees, they should demonstrate in their competency to show off their abilities, understand general team effort. It would not be too difficult to address these types of safety concerns. Organizations must ensure the proper coordination between assessors and the involvement of management and encouraged the workforce participation. Risk assessments must be done to properly address the health needs of employees. The monitoring of preventive and protective measures must be maintained. The essence of occupational health and safety is through the integrative model of management in the workplace. It must use a participatory problem solving approach in order to identify the promptly address the myriad of issues which are associated with disease prevention, health promotion, occupational hazard reduction and safety. The improvements of organizational and human resource management are ensured through the participation of both the employers and the workers themselves. Review approaches to the management of diversity in healthcare settings. Individuals can define diversity in various ways. The dynamic and changing demographics as well as the economics of the growing multicultural levels and the disparities in the health sector of the people who are from a myriad of diversity in terms of cultural background. The challenging diverse workforce has been one of the obstacles by which health care providers and institutions must address as a priority. However, health care professionals must then realize that the solutions on cultural diversity must go beyond the practices, customs, values and beliefs. Diversity can be defined in a broader sense with multiple dimensions. This includes the discussions on ethnic, racial and gender identities. The factors of generation, sexual orientation, physical ability, religion, family ,social status, political beliefs, professional background and a myriad of individual inclinations and affiliations. Moreover, each individual member of the healthcare team is unique. They have distinct personalities and temperaments which adds to the diversity of the health care settings. Williams and OReilly has reviewed 40 years of research on this topic. They have concluded that The consistent social categorization and attraction/similarity theories, the prevalence of the evidence has suggested that the diversity is most likely to impede the functioning of the group. This conclusion was shared in various focus groups on different venues. (Williams, K. Y., and C. A. OReilly III, 1998). The proponents of homogenization on the healthcare setting can impact the team performance. Diversity must highlight the significance of competence in culture and diversified management skills in order to bring out performances of the demographically diverse health care team. (Williams, K. Y., and C. A. OReilly III, 1998). According to Williams and OReilly (1998) and Maznevski (1994) , when there is proper leverage , health care diversity can really improve the performance of a group. (Maznevski, M. L, 1994) According to Oetzel (1998; 2001) the significance of group interdependence as well as the strong group process skills in the performance of demographically diverse groups. (Oetzel, J. G. 1998) Pelled, Eisenhardt, and Xin (1999) cited that those demographically diverse teams can work together over time the emotional conflict can triggered by interpersonal clashes lessened. (Pelled, L., K. Eisenhardt, and K. Xin. 1999) A study conducted on the nursing care team performance conducted by Dreachslin, Hunt, and Sprainer (1999; 2000) cited that the leadership style was the key to reduce the emotional conflict which is oftentimes present in demographically diverse groups. Team leaders of nurses who have encourages the participated in the discussions about the group of identities and race. Those nurse team leaders who can validate the various perspectives were successful in the defused negative emotional distraught. (Dreachslin, J., P. Hunt, and E. Sprainer. 1999) According to Hopkins, Hopkins, and Mallette (2001), the strategic diversity management was strongly associated with well grounded organizational commitment not only among leaders and managers of the same ethnicity and race but among those white male managers. (Hopkins, W. E., S. Hopkins, and P. Mallette, 2001) There is an urgent need to manage diversity in health care settings. Otherwise, the diversity in the demographics can interfere the functioning of the team thereby affecting their efficiency in the delivery of health care to their patients. A common denominator among groups must be identified due to the fact that similarity can give the team members the opportunity to deal with others. Health care leaders should invest in the professional development of their employees to help them manage their differences as individuals. There are a lot of elements to consider in order to improve the organizational and team decision approaches. The group-process and the enculturation of conflict -management skills, understanding of cultural difference, self awareness and the ability to validate their efforts towards the management of diversity. The effective approach to diversity in health care settings must seek balance between customization and homogenization in order to fully explore the benefits and the lessen cots of increasingly diverse workforce and patient population. It was cited by Kochan and colleagues (2003) on how important it is to manage diversity immediately. Another approach to diverse health care settings is to utilize a research based cultural competence and diversity assessment tool. This can be used as baseline data for evaluation of the performance of diversified health care team. Compare organisational approaches to ensuring positive policies of work place diversity. Diversity in the cultural background of health care professionals can be an issue in the workplace. This will require people from various cultural and beliefs background to work together. The broader definition of diversity is through the negative and positive organizational approaches to this type of workplace related issue. Chronic conflicts can result from every health care setting and workplace. A lot of health care organizations may have examined the culture in conflict. In order to discover these streams of conflicts may come from the multi-layered complex systems. This is to improve their own capacity for prevention of conflict, settlement, resolution and management. Diversity is often the subject of argument and debate. This is one of the negative side of diversity. The term instills the political meaning of diversity. Not all members of an organization value diversity. As a rule, there are a lot of people who are most comfortable with themselves. Emphasizing diversity this may undermine the comfort level. Diversity itself can breed various approached to practices and long lasting problems. There are individuals in a myriad of organizations which may cause trouble. Moreover, there are persons who have strong prejudice against a specific group that would rapidly change the demographics of the various members of the workforce which can impose as threat to diversity. One approach to diversity in health care setting can mirror the key business issues. It must include the implementation and development of a strategic plan which aims for the goals of diversity. The creation of specific methods to attain the goals and the identification of the resources can measure the impact of diversity in the organization. The cornerstones of strategic planning to diversity may include the proper education of associates regarding the issues of diversity to the increased awareness and ability to manage the relationships among health care staff, patients and clients. Organizations must learn on how to properly and effectively integrate diversity into the policies and practices of the health care organization. This is to help the staff in inculcating the significance of the goals towards diversity. The development of accountability among the organizations can support the diversity in all levels of the healthcare sector. Diversity management is a type of human resource management approach which has emerged in the United States which aims to value diversity. The diversity management of the Scandinavian Model has emerged from the critiques of the US model. Little research has been conducted on how to manage diversity which is enacted for health care organization. Healthcare instituti
Friday, October 25, 2019
Windows 95 Beats Mac :: essays research papers
Windows 95 Beats Mac Over the years, there has been much argument over which computer platform to buy. The two contenders in theis competions have been the PC , with its Windows environment and the Macintosh. Now, with the successful release of Windows 95 for the PC, this has been the mjor argument for each side : hardware configuration, networking capabilities, and operating system. The first arguments to look at between the Pc and Mac platform has to do with hardware configuration. Before Windows 95, installing and configuring hardware was like pulling teeth. The instructions given to help install hardware were too complicated for the average user. There was also the issuer of compatibility between the large number of different hardware setups available in the PC world. Is a particular board going to work with my PC? With Windows 95, these problems were alleviated with plug and play technology. With plug and play compatible boards, the computer detects and configures the new board automatically. The operating system may recognize some hardware components on older PCs. Mac userw will claim that they always had the convenicnce of a plug and play system, ubt the difference shows in teh flexibility of the two systems. Another set of arguments Mac users use in favor of their sysstems over PCs is in multimedia and networking capabilities. Mac users gloat that the Mac has networking technology built in the system. Even if a user did not use it, the network is included with the system. They cited that for the PC users and Pc users hate the fact that they need to stick a card in their computers to communicate with any other computer. With Windows 95, the Mac network gloaters are silenced. Windows 95 included built-in network support. Any network will work properly. The Mac users also claim their systems have speech, telephony, and voice recognition, whereas the Pc user does not have. In truth, the promised building blocks for telephony control do not yet exist. I think the speech is not good point in the Mac.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
There Is Nothing That Younger Generation Can Teach the Older One
There is nothing that younger generation can teach the older one Even though it seems that the older generation knows everything, the youth can still teach something new, because they can instruct elder in the subject of new technology, culture life and provide with incentive new ideas. First of all, the youth helps the elder with the technology of 21 century, such as different technical gadgets as laptops, IPhones, IPods, banks machine or techniques for housework and other.For example, my mom was always bothering my brother about how to work with a computer (sometimes it was really funny to watch how she was afraid of clicking the mouse). After some mild lessons, not only she knew how to work with Microsoft Office, but also did she know about how to register on such social network as à «Odnoklasnykyà ». Secondly, a lot of people met such problem as generation gap, which is caused by lack of communication between young and older members of a family that is why the younger generatio n can instruct the older in aspect of youth culture, in order to solve the problem.As an example, there was a program on TV, where a grandfather and his grandson were banjo jumping together, whereas the grandfather was about 60 years old. And now he is going to climb a mountain in China because of the grandsonââ¬â¢s influence. Eventually, the youth learn really fast and they are full of exciting ideas and enthusiasm as well, thus they aspire to be successful other people. For instance, there was a boy who at the age of 10 built a music player called the Synapse Media Player that used artificial intelligence to learn the user's listening habits.Microsoft tried to purchase Synapse, but he denied. Now everyone knows Mark Zuckerberg, who at the age of 20, created the social networking site Facebook. And now he reads lectures for those people who are much older than he is. On the whole, the thought that older generation has nothing to learn from younger generation is false. There will be always something to learn from the younger generation.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How can we make India clean Essay
World peace has been developed through the endurance and persistence of several great men throughout history. They have struggled and fought against the social evils and human sufferings in order to materialize the moral values that they carry. Mahatma Gandhi is undeniably one of the most respected, influential men. Without the non-violent movement lead by Gandhi, the independence of India wouldââ¬â¢ve taken longer with more bloodshed and destruction to the country. Even after his death, his philosophy of non-violence inspired many prominent figures throughout the world. ââ¬Å"Cleanliness is next to godlinessâ⬠. We can keep our city clean only if the people of our city think like us. Without public cooperation we cannot achieve anything. So first to keep our city clean there should be a huge awareness to the public via various mass media and news papers. Also the government should take major role in conducting awareness programs to public and also introduce new rules if necessary. Only our thinking does not make our city clean. KEEPING OUR CITY CLEAN IS EVERY CITIZENââ¬â¢S DUTY. FIRST WE SHOULD LOVE OUR COUNTRY. WE SING SONGS PRAISING BHARATH MATHA AND SO ON BUT WE NEVER THINK TWICE TO THROW DIRT ANYWHERE THAT SUITS US. STRICT LAW SHOULD BE ENFORCED LIKE THE ONE IN SINGAPORE WHO LITTER. THIS WAY FINE ALSO CAN BE COLECTED WHICH IN TURN CAN BE USED FOR DEV PURPOSES.IN A DMOCRATIC COUNTRY LIKE OURS PEOPLE TAKE FOR GRANTED EVERYTHING AND IF ONE TRIES TO EDUCATE ABOUT THIS ONE MAY NOT TAKE IT IN THE RIGHT SPIRIT. INFACT THEY FEEL WE ARE TOO INTERFERING. HENCE BETTER TO ENFORCE FINE. Its our du ty to keep our city clean because it represent that which types of people live in that city. For make city clean following steps is important ââ¬â 1. Educate the people about it. 2. Do not use plastic bag. 3. Do not through garbage in the open area. 4. Grow plants. 5. Use solar energy because it does not produce residue Young student like me must start to do something worth-remembering and that is to keep the world clean and green. I heard a question that is raised, ââ¬Å"how can you do thatâ⬠? I must say, ââ¬Å"we will work together to start thisâ⬠. Some points I want to emphasize are the following: First, letââ¬â¢s keep the world clean and green by recycling and cleaning the world. This point includes different kinds of pollution from massive factories and smoking pollution that would kill us because of lung cancer. No tobacco, no pollution. We must clean every sort of pollutions and to protect one another. We are blessed with amazing hospitality awards; we are the best in food. We have every type of culture and customs, we enjoy the secular nature, we say we are the golden bird but still from our roads to our green belts to public bathrooms to our every outer surrounding, we lack perfection, we lack comfort, we lack amenities, we lack beauty and we never feel proud in walking on the streets. We have departments who have the authority of maintaining everything, we have good team of people who can work and give tidy and inviting atmosphere, we have millions of skilled and unskilled labor of agriculture and masonry knowledge but still our surroundings and our outer atmosphere is untidy and shameful. We often hate this, we often complain about this but still nothing is happening. We donââ¬â¢t know what should we do in order to change things as revolting on the streets is not a solution. Many of us have made some private welfare associations of our respective sector and we often collect money as donation and invest it on our surrounding parks and green belt. This attempt is good and encouraging but most of the houses do not contribute in this as they have a debatable point and that is when we are paying taxes then why we have to waste our money on another expense which is the government duty not the private affair. Our broken roads are the black spot on the high rise buildings, our sewage and drainage systems are either semi blocked or completely blocked as there is no maintenance. Roads in monsoon become a dirty lake of sewage waste and water. We are used to this ugly mess. We only take care of the place whereà we live. All the government buildings and other constructions like bridges, barricade, pedestrian pathways, public bathrooms and other buildings which are used by government and public are not taken care of as we think its government building so why should we care? Every year millions of unauthorized posters and advertisements ruin the beauty of the buildings made by the government. These unauthorized advertisements have no limit and there is no one to stop the people who do this immature and punishable offence. Even young political leaders and well established political parties enjoy the facility of unauthorized advertising. They are equally responsible in running the architecture and other surroundings. Public bathrooms made by the government are obviously very less in number and there condition is so pathetic that I cannot even show there images to you as they can even make you vomit. There are millions of things which make every Indian feel guilty and the infrastructure and maintenance of this exotic country is at zero scale. The ministers are not concerned in improving the nation and we will again never feel proud in walking on the streets as India will remain untidy. The face of todayââ¬â¢s economic and energy situation in the crisis, Hongxing company for the current recovery of the gangue utilization to carry out a series of processing achieved a major breakthrough, research and development to create a large jaw crusher, impact crusher, cone crusher, can coal waste rock crusher for processing, and expand the scope of its use, can be used for brick-making, power generation, cement, concrete production, and so can be used by the powder, the powder after milling mechanism, the gangue broken play an important role to deal with the gangue use rate of more than 90%, the real garbage turning waste into treasure. Many countries have recently advocated the development of low carbon environmental conservation, and coal is one of the important global source of income, a large number of mining resources, will inevitably produce some waste. The the gangue mining of solid waste a Gangue to produce theà exploitation of coal in the coal preparation plant to wash the gangue, hand-selected gangue in the coal production, semi-coal Lane and rock roadway discharged from coal and rock and gangue stacked with coal measures mixture outside the white partings. Gangue is one of the solid waste, which contains a large number of optimization substances, accumulation of a large number of emissions of coal gangue, not only a waste of resources, but also tie up land, pollute the environment. Attention and solution of the coal gangue comprehensive utilization of coal enterprises, protect and improve ecological environment and promoting regional economic and social development, and constantly improve the quality and effectiveness of enterprise development level as well as energy savings, Hongxing Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. R & D to create the gangue crusher will no doubt the gangue push the use of turning waste into treasure the road, todayâ⬠s energy, low-carbon economic development of important practical significance and strategic significance. Gangue sulfide escape or leaching will pollute the atmosphere, farmland and water bodies. The waste dump will be spontaneous combustion fire or collapse during the rainy season, the blockage of the river caused by disasters. Accompanied by the expansion of coal output, coal gangue increasing production and the environmental problems have become increasingly prominent, and an increasingly difficult task of governance, processing and utilization of coal gangue, has become one of the prominent problems in the development process of the coal enterprises.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
How to Write a Critical Essay on Macbeth
How to Write a Critical Essay on Macbeth For a student pursuing a higher education, particularly in literature, knowing how to write a critical essay on Macbeth is one of the things that must be learned that is assigned to students on a regular basis. When writing this type of an essay, you will be required to do more than just describe ideas and provide evidence on the ideas you are proposing. This type of paper entails more exploration of the ideas you have proposed and then evaluating each point you have suggested. You will also be required to compare the ideas and evidence of the points you are exploring with other issues that are similar to those you are writing about. Moreover, you are to be really versed in the original text of ââ¬Å"Macbethâ⬠created by William Shakespeare as citing and referring to the entire texts will be a necessary component of your writing. Be sure to get acquainted with the text before you set to working on the critical essay, no matter which aspect or conflict you choose to analyze. Before you can write a good critical essay, you must be able to create solid arguments to highlight the ideas you are presenting. Forming solid arguments implies learning to bring forth your reasoning and all the evidence in a clear and well-structured way. In addition, the arrangement of the arguments should lead the reader to your logical conclusion. In order to make solid arguments, you must critically analyze and evaluate the subject for every argument, and you should provide good responses. The starting point to writing a good critical essay is the ability to critically analyze and evaluate the points that you are making. It is only after doing a critical evaluation of the issues of your essay that it will be possible for you to begin writing your critical essay. Once you have carried out the research and ground work to know what you want to base your critical paper on, you should begin working on your paper after developing strong arguments. It is at this point where you develop your line of argument when you consider the organization, expression and sequence of the ideas of your essay paper. This should be done in order to ensure the essay you write will flow logically. Writing a critical paper is all about getting the message you want to send to your readers, and this entails ensuring the arguments you make are presented in a logical and clear way. Even as you critically argue your points, it is important that you organize them in a manner that will enable the reader to follow the points easily. essay writing service can provide you with a high-quality custom essay on Macbeth topics.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Critically examine two theoretical perspectives, The Feminist Theory and Psychoanalysis Essays
Critically examine two theoretical perspectives, The Feminist Theory and Psychoanalysis Essays Critically examine two theoretical perspectives, The Feminist Theory and Psychoanalysis Essay Critically examine two theoretical perspectives, The Feminist Theory and Psychoanalysis Essay Essay Topic: Sociology In academic writing on media practice different theoretical perspectives are applied according to the authors research agenda. Critically examine TWO theoretical perspectives before providing examples of how each has been applied within academic writing on the media. After comparing these theoretical perspectives say why ONE will be more relevant for your dissertation work in Level 6. For this essay I have chosen to critically examine two theoretical perspectives which will be The Feminist Theory and Psychoanalysis. I will describe the origins of these theoretical perspectives, detailing how they came about and why they are useful in academic writing on media practice. Then I will analyse two pieces of academic writing each of which use a theoretical perspective I have chosen to discuss. Barbara Brooks Feminist Perspectives on the body which deals with the use of some changes in feminist thinking about the body. Stevi Jackson and Jackie Jones Contemporary Feminist Theories, the section on psychoanalysis. Feminist theory seeks to analyse the conditions which shape womens lives and to explore cultural understandings of what it means to be a woman. It was initially guided by the political aims of the womans Movement the need to understand womens subordination and our exclusion from, or marginalisation within, a variety of cultural and social arenas. Feminists refuse to accept that inequalities between woman and men are natural and inevitable and insist that they should be questioned. Theory, for us, is not an abstract intellectual activity divorced from womens lives, but seeks to explain the conditions under which those lives are lived. (Stevi Jackson and Jackie Jones, 1998, p. 1) In a way, most feminist thinking could be described as an engagement of one sort or another with what it means to be and to be perceived to be, a female body. It is hard to come across feminist writing that is not at some point connected to issues of the body. There have been a lot of Feminist thinkers through time who have had vastly different responses to female bodies, which still continue today. Issues of the body have been central to most feminist thinking, in one way or another, but there is also evidence that there has been a large number of feminist publications with the word body in the title, over the last decade. There have been some developments of studies in feminism called Corporeal feminism, which is looking at the characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit. One of the best known English writers in this field is Elizabeth Grosz. Grosz is the author of numerous works, including Volatile Bodies: toward a Corporeal Feminism; Jacques Lacan: a Feminist Introduction, and Becomings: Explorations in Time, Memory and Futures. Groszs work is very much influenced by European philosophers such as Nietzsche, Merleau-ponty, Deleuze, Guattari, Foucault and Spinozist. Elizabeth Grosz believed that; What they share is first, anti-Cartesianism, a refusal of the mind/ body or nature/ culture oppositions. Second, they share a dynamic rather than a static ontology, an ontology rooted in becoming rather than being. And third, they share a privileging of questions of ontology over questions of epistemology. This means that these various, historically-linked figures form a kind of counter-history to the dominant theoretical strands making up the history of philosophy. There are, of course, other figures that could be included in such a counter-history, but Deleuze has provided us with a powerful starting point from which to work backwards to claim such a history. In recent years, Elizabeth Grosz has reinvestigated Irigarays theory to formulate a new phenomenological view on the body. Grosz rejects the Platonic idea that the body is a brute or passive entity, but sees the body itself as constitutive of systems of meaning. In Volatile Bodies, she redefines the body using Deleuzes post-oedipal framework of the Desiring Machine. The body becomes a desiring machine when it de-humanizes the object of desire and dissolves into surrounding environments. The subject becomes one with the machine-like apparatus and senses its merging components as changing, segmented and discontinuous waves, flows, and intensities. Katrien Jacobs (http://web. gc. cuny. du/csctw/found_object/text/grosz. htm) Grosz asks questions about what constitutes a body and, in particular, about where, if at all, there can be located a specifically sexed body that is somehow before or beyond culture. Grosz developed a new theory which was not trying to answer a question about what came first, she wanted to look at a different explanation of the body, which rendered a question of redundant. Grosz pushe d the boundaries of existing terms. A central figure for grosz in rethinking the self as body and mind rather than body separated from mind is the Mobius strip: Bodies and minds are not two distinct substances or two kinds of attributes of a single substance but somewhere in between The Mobius strip has the advantage of showing the inflection of mind into body and body into mind, the ways in which, through a kind of twisting or inversion, one side becomes another. This model also provides a way of problematizing and rethinking the relations between the inside and outside of a subject. Grosz, Elizabeth (1994) Volatile Bodies: Towards a Corporeal Feminism. Grosz challenges commonsense ideas about sexed bodies, and about the construction of knowledge; a movement in feminist thought has been from epistemology (theory of knowledge (hence, episteme as a component of that knowledge, something which is a building block of a particular knowledge system), toward ontology (the study of being, existing in the world) towards the question of What is a woman?. There has been a tendency to assume an essential femaleness which for some feminists was something to be ignored or minimised, and for others was a cause of celebration in answering the question What is a woman?. The focus of a womans movement around a universal idea of woman has been increasingly critiqued as imperialist: blind to its own exclusions and assumptions. The development of an identity politics organised around a self-defined identity of sexuality, race, ethnicity, etc. challenges this universalism. The assertion of womans rights as human rights rests on the humanists ideas of the Enlightenment: the belief in the rights of an individual human subject. Arguably, the late twentieth century is dismantling the idea of the unified human subject; this poses problems for feminism. Second-wave feminism, following the work of Simone de Beauvoir, argues for the separation of sex (the natural, given male or female body) and gender (the cultural definitions of masculinity and femininity). Social constructionism relegates the body to no more than a tabula rasa for inscription by culture. Social constructionist explanations have been criticised for ignoring sexuality and racial difference. Judith Butler (and others) points to the way in which binary gender formation relies on an assumed heterosexuality. She tries to re-think gender as performativity (Judith Butlers theory of gender as a continually repeated performance): a series of acts repeated until they appear as natural extensions of the body engaged in the performance. Butler, like other corporeal feminists (Corporeality: literally the being of the body; when the adjective, corporeal is coupled with feminism, it denotes a recently developed theorising that attempts to reorient thinking about the female body and subjectivity in ways that challenge the dominant episteme of the mind/body split. works to change the thinking of Western philosophy and, particularly, to move beyond the dualism (binarism (or dualism): the pattern of thinking and conceptualisation that divides everything into opposites; one of the feminist objections to it is that in the set of supposedly equal opposites, one set of terms can clearly be designated as feminine and the other masculine, with higher or positive values, on the whole, attached to the latter. ) of Cartesian thought. Luce Irigaray and Hi li ne Cixous also challenge this dualism, attempting to re-inscribe woman in multiple ways that resist binary oppositions of western thinking. Elizabeth Grosz argues that such a rethinking of and through the body is crucial to feminist politics. Psychoanalysis is concerned in the account, or analysis, of the mind, the psyches structure and its relation to the body, and uses that as the basis for treating certain kinds of sickness. Psychoanalysis is well known as the talking cure; psychoanalysis is closely concerned with gender, sexuality, familial relations, and the fact that their expression and construction are not always available to the conscious mind. These areas are those of interest of feminists. Psychoanalysis has been seen by some feminist writers as another weapon in the armoury of patriarchy. To enlist on behalf of feminism the insights of psychoanalysis, in particular the concept of the unconscious and the idea that gender is a psychic and not a biological identity, post-Freudian writers have focused on the very early pre-oedipal stages of a Childs life, and mothering. Pg 162 Sue vice Contemporary Feminist Theories Psychoanalysis was first developed by Sigmund Freud, based on the exploration of unconscious mental processes displayed within dreams. Its aim was to reveal repressed anxieties and overcome the effects of bad experiences in early childhood. Freud believed that the location of desire was between what we see and what we imagine for ourselves. Freud established three principles. The unconscious, argued Freud, consists of the activity of primary sexual and destructive instincts, which are in conflict with internal forces of self-preservation and external social forces. Second, the analysis of dreams proved invaluable in accessing the unconscious; as did, thirdly, Freuds working out of the relationship between primary (unconscious) and secondary (conscious) thought processes. Later on Freud developed a theory called the Oedipus complex and infantile sexuality. Freuds central concepts took the male child as a model, so that the female seemed like an imperfect version. Melanie Klein revised and extended several Freudian categories in the light of child analysis during the 1940s and 1950s. Klein offered an alternative to the Freudian view of the maternal body as one which is superseded by the superior paternal law, and is only a site for regressive feelings in later life. Klein argues that children have a very early knowledge of the mothers vaginia as well as the fathers penis, and so the division into two sexes is inevitable. Kleins concept of sexual difference appears more rigid than Freuds; she has made a great impact on feminist theory. This is partly due to Kleins emphasis on the importance of the maternal, in contrast to Freuds on the role of the father, and Freuds habit of writing out the mother in his case histories. Klein was also distinctive in giving priority to interpersonal relations over individual instinct. A specific psychoanalytic theory can be directly associated with the fascination of the images on the screen, that of Jacques Lagans mirror stage. It deals with the point in which a young infant realises its own image within the mirror and has its own identity. In recognising its own image, the infant develops a fascination with itself and begins to construct its own identity. However, what the child constructs is a representation of them selves because it notices itself as an image and begins to unify itself with the image. Therefore, an element of delusion sets in because the subject becomes an image, even though the image is a replica of the individual; it is in fact a representation of the individual. The nature of our egoistic selves, as represented through the identification of the image can be connected to the illusory nature displayed on the film screen. As our reflection is nothing more than an image we take narcissistic pleasure in, so to can we now identify with the gloriously complete presentation of a spectacle on the screen. (Turner, 1999, p. 134) The future of psychoanalytic theory within feminism seems very rich. As well as the return to Klein, signalled for instance by the establishment of the womens Therapy Centre London (Wright 1992: 457-61), psychoanalytic feminism underlies recent developments in lesbian theory, gender studies and queer theory. The latter in particular has benefited from the long-standing debate in feminist psychoanalysis between signifier and signified, body and language, literal and metaphorical, as Caroline Evans and Lorraine Gamman suggests in a Queer Romance. Some representations, what we call queer representations, seem to share the capacity to disturb stable definitions (Burston and Richardson 1995:46). New work is beginning, although rather slowly, on psychoanalysis and race; as psychoanalysis has been discourse about, but not of, women, it has been neither about, nor of, people of colour. It is interesting to speculate whether issues of oedipalisation, gender construction, and transference, in particular, will be revitalised by the incorporation of racial difference. To return to Freuds idea that it is only accidental that there are two sexes, and there could just as easily have been four drive-based positions instead, it may turn out to be the case that the law of the father is the law of the white supremacist father specifically (Stephanie munro, forthcoming work on Irigaray and race), while other fathers may have other laws. Sue Vice pg 173 Contemporary Feminist Theories For my dissertation I will be using The Feminist Theory as one of my main theoretical perspectives. My dissertation will be analysing what affects media images have on body satisfaction? I will be discussing not only female but male satisfaction of the body as in the past there has been a lot of writing on the female body but now there are a lot more studies on the male body and how they feel. I will be looking at the Feminist perspectives on the body, as the body has been central to feminist thinking. I will be looking at the new concept that has been developed corporeal feminism. Which is the being of the body; when the adjective, corporeal is coupled with feminism, it denotes a recently developed theorising that attempts to reorient thinking about the female body and subjectivity in ways that challenge the dominant episteme of the mind/body split. It will also be relevant for me to use content analysis and mass communication models such as the Hypodermic Model in my dissertation which will concentrate on the effects of a specific aspect of media communication on the audience.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How To Motivate Millennial Marketers With Directives Garrett Mehrguth
How To Motivate Millennial Marketers With Directives Garrett Mehrguth Are you a millennial? Do you work with millennials? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, millennials are expected to make up half of the workforce by 2020 and 75% by 2030. So, itââ¬â¢s important to à figure out ways to understand these smart and talented millennials working at your company. Are there any idiosyncrasies with this generation that may be helpful to marketers? Today, my guest is Garrett Mehrguth. Heââ¬â¢s the CEO and co-founder of Directive, a growing digital agency that employs several millennials. Fortunately, Garrett has found unique ways to keep them engaged and motivated. Garrettââ¬â¢s Motto: Learn, Engage, Create Lesson Learned from First Consulting Client: Ask clients to pay you upfront Never use your power as a leader to manipulate anyone to make a decision Attract millennials by investing in social media to create a positive work culture Utilize recruiting tools to find the most talented millennials Best Defense for Bad Reviews: Demonstrate importance of sharing experiences and showing reviews to everyone involved to continue to grow and retain talent Millennials are the same as everyone else, but treated differently, alienated, and made to feel demotivated and devalued by others Directive offers a meritocracy and culture where people can grow in the company based on how they perform, not how long theyââ¬â¢ve been with the company One of the simplest ways to create a structure for success and motivate millennials is to help them prioritize their tasks and goals 99.9% of millennial performance issues are related to time management and communication, or under-developed professional expertise Millennials are motivated when being a part of something larger; they want to feel like what theyââ¬â¢re doing is contributing to something Directive supports career-driven millennials who want to be paid what theyââ¬â¢re worth in an environment that accelerates their development professionally Offer benefits that serve your team, not ones that attract talent; Directiveââ¬â¢s coolest benefit is mental health support Millennials want to learn, and Directive stresses its importance to be successful by requiring each employee to create a piece of content every quarter Be a leader for millennials by holding yourself accountable and taking an authentic look at and fixing everything thatââ¬â¢s wrong in your organization Links: Directive Garrett Mehrguthââ¬â¢s Email Fiverr Moz WordStream Distilled Marketing Land Search Engine Land Glassdoor JazzHR Workable G2 Crowd Buffer 37signals Basecamp Marketo How to Get Started with Agile Marketing and Do Your Best Work If you liked todayââ¬â¢s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Garrett Mehrguth: ââ¬Å"If you could learn, engage, and create, you could always be better tomorrowbecause you never take your foot off the gas.â⬠ââ¬Å"We had this thought process that if we canââ¬â¢t attribute something to revenue, itââ¬â¢s not valuable, and that couldnââ¬â¢t be further from the truth.â⬠ââ¬Å"Your brand dictates the type of talent you acquire or it dictates the success of your organization.â⬠ââ¬Å"Millennials want authentic leadership and want an authentic team and an authentic culture thatââ¬â¢s doing things for them, not to attract them.ââ¬
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Report on CEDPA Training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Report on CEDPA Training - Essay Example She made us aware of our differences and in doing so helped us develop a greater appreciation for one another. By understanding our cultural diversities, we found that as female leaders we had many common bonds. Xiaoping was able to direct us into our personal learning style and demonstrated how our style could be flexible enough to work across culture lines and develop a team concept. We were challenged to see ourselves as women and understand our gender role. By understanding our selves as a unified team we could begin to mainstream our philosophies. At the heart of GWM's agenda is leadership. GWM stresses that leadership is not supervision and it is not management. The purpose of leadership is to establish a direction and create a vision that can be shared by others. By executing a visionary agenda, the leader inspires and motivates others into action. Instructor Sheila Ramsey instilled in us the idea that only a leader can effect change. In the changing face of the role of women, leadership is our most important quality whether it's in government, business, or the family. We were challenged to create a vision and an environment for that vision to take hold. The new directions envisioned by leadership cost money to adequately pursue. Management and senior staff will need to be creative in their approach to finance the needed projects. The fund raising presentation was given by Sue Richiedei who highlighted the need to have a well-directed fund raising strategy. A determination on the nature, purpose, and extent of the fund raising goals will lay the foundation for the fund raising plan. The course gave additional information on forming a proposal team, criteria for a good proposal, and managing the proposal process. In building an organization or program to aid women it is vital that the group has the ability to sustain itself over time. Xiaoping held a presentation on sustaining an institution through a careful analysis of finance and costs. She pointed to the need to understand where the money was coming from and place a value on its reliability. Will it be there in the future Is it independent of political pressure The importance of the expenditures is as important as the funding. Are the fixed costs really fixed Have we allowed for the fluctuation in variable costs By pinpointing the answers to these questions we can see the long-term outlook and measure the trend into the future. This understanding will give us a measure of sustainability. The care and work that goes into funding mandates that the money be spent with great control. Monitoring and constant evaluation of the project will give us the yardstick we need to measure the program's value. This requires setting baselines and endpoints. It calls for evaluation at pre-set intervals to validate data. The method of collecting and checking data is as important as the overall project. Instructor Jill Posner related the various ways in which an objective may be measured. The information may be totally objective numerical data, or a subjective and qualitative evaluation. These goals and endpoints will be used to form a project management framework. This will be the roadmap for the project's success. Throughout the process of fundraising to implementing a project, communication will be vital to keep the public informed as well as to maintain a
Friday, October 18, 2019
Role of IGR and Communication in Public Administration Essay
Role of IGR and Communication in Public Administration - Essay Example One such way is through shaping the work of governmental institutions. One situation that helps to illustrate this is the ââ¬Å"Wichita Confronts Contaminationâ⬠case study. In 1990, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) in partnership with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave a disturbing report concerning Wichita, Kansas (Stillman, 2009). According to the report, Wichita sat on a large polluted underground lake. The causes of the all the pollution involved different commercial and industrial chemicals. The contamination spread at a faster rate coupled with fears that it could cause serious health complications such as cancer. The polluted aquifer lay directly below the cityââ¬â¢s central business district. Banks, residential homes and industries lay within the six-square mile area. The reaction of the local communities involved persistent calls on the government to respond and do something serious to relieve the situation. In addition to that, the ba nking sector also stopped giving loans to residents and business owners within Gilbert-Mosley area. The banks became more careful demanding certain requirements before giving out loans. To this effect, banks required inspection of sites and analysis of water and soil samples from a prospective businessperson before granting loan to individuals. The 1990 Listing Site Investigation was the first comprehensive report on the adverse contamination of Wichita. The City Managerââ¬â¢s office estimated that it would cost $20 million to clean the aquifer. The negative thing about the entire process was that it would take as many as 20 years. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) report recommended only two options to remedy the situation. These were either for the companies responsible for the contamination to undertake joint cleaning of the area or for the state to push the inclusion of the contaminated area in the National Priority Listing. This problem had serious effec ts for the city. The potential economic impact would drain the city of its economic achievements. About 508 businesses got identification as Potential Responsible Parties as determined by the Superfund Law. The cityââ¬â¢s tax base faced risk from liability and bank-imposed real estate freeze. Cherches, who was at the time the city manager, had the responsibility to map a way forward in solving the problem. He took into account the two recommendations given by KDHE. The most important things to the city were to clean the aquifer and maintain the values of properties. They could only achieve this if the banks agreed to continue giving loans. Finally, the city manager decided to throw out the two options suggested by KDHE and came with a third option. The city was to take full responsibility for the cleanup. This presented the question of how to raise funds to finance for the cleanup. The dilemma presented a number of intergovernmental relations (IGR) actors. These included the busi ness owners, KDHE, EPA, the city managerââ¬â¢s office, Wichita City Council, the school board, lenders and the state legislature. Each of these actors had a role to play in ensuring proper representation of interests. KDHE, for instance, had a reputation to uphold. The Wichita School Board and Sedgwick County Councilââ¬â¢s tax base faced destabilization. Banks had a role to pay in ensuring that Wichitaââ¬â¢
Fundamentals of Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Fundamentals of Economics - Essay Example Aside from prices, there are a host of factors that may either push for an upward or downward effect on the volume of demand or supply exerted towards the market. Among the determinants for demand include taste and preference of consumers, income level of consumers, availability of substitute products, and population. For supply, the determinants include, but are not limited to, production cost, taxes and subsidies, number of producers or suppliers, available technology, and prices of substitutes. Applying some principles in marketing, demand can further be described or categorized as latent demand, and effective demand. While consumers may want to have a number of units of a particular commodity constituting the latent demand for that commodity, only consumers who have the capacity to pay for that commodity at a price level producers are willing to supply will constitute the effective demand. Elasticity, on the other hand, can be simply defined as the degree of change on the volume of demand or supply of a particular product in relation to changes in the behavior of its determinants. For example, a product that has an elastic demand is a product whose volume or quantity being demanded in the market has increased tremendously due to a lower tag price offer in the market. At the same time, such product with elastic demand would have a tremendous decrease in volume of quantity demanded should its price suddenly becomes a bit more than what it previously offered to the market. In other words, elasticity can be described or defined as the degree of changes in the volume of quantity demanded or supplied given the degree of changes in its determinants. Elasticity determined by changes in prices has been referred to as price elasticity, as shown in the example that has been mentioned above. Demand or supply behavior that
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Sartre and Lacombe Lucien Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sartre and Lacombe Lucien - Essay Example The film breaks through these preconceptions by presenting a main character who in the course of the film attempts to join the resistance, works for the Gestapo, and, nearly accidentally defects. The character is presented as simple man. In fact, the simplicity of his character could be considered allegorical for the undereducated front line solider of the war, men barely more than boys who might otherwise have been simple farmers or tradesmen. Like these soldiers, Lucien Lacombe takes on a life that he did not choose, but also one that he does not fight, as if swept up in powers beyond his control. In The Republic of Silence, Sartre comments of being faced with choices in the face of death that ââ¬Å"the choice that each of us made of his life and of his being was an authentic choiceâ⬠, implying that human strength of resolve in the face of adversity is a choice more true to oneââ¬â¢s self and thus to humanity as well (Liebling and Sartre 498). In another work, Satre sugges ts the a person should ââ¬Å"seek within [oneself] an authentic impulse to actionâ⬠(Blunden et al. 1).
The Role of Public Relations in a Modern Liberal Democracy Essay
The Role of Public Relations in a Modern Liberal Democracy - Essay Example Some experts contend that the extent to which media works as a public sphere, representing the civic populace, while remaining free and accessible to all, works as a chief indicator of democracy within a political order. This stems from an old tradition that positions media at a juncture between the governed and the governors. Thus, from this viewpoint democracy appears as a relative concept, where its nature is dependent on the movement of public information. This, in turn, helps to ascertain to what extent the citizens can take steps grounded in informed decisions to make the governors liable for their activities. From the perspective of the orthodox democracy theory, the public sphere is a realm between the two distinctly separate two areas, civil society and the state, which ensures protections for each individual within the society. According to the Liberal theory, the public sphere is equal to the political sphere, and the mass mediaââ¬â¢s public role is delineated in relati on to the state. The liberal theory theorizes on the virtues of civil society's ascendency over the state (Curran 1991). Along with this, it also views the market as the process optimally suited for addressing all information requirements of society. However, as market-led information to tend to move through privatization, conglomeration and deregulation, after a certain limit it fails to meet the requirements necessary for maintaining democratic ideals of freedom and equal accessibility (Garnham 1986). Major contentions to the liberal press theories have faced challenges from the other democratic theory pertaining to the Marxist viewpoint. From the position of an orthodox Marxist, within capitalist societies, the public sphere tends to disguise the ascendency of media that does not directly confront the liberal nature of the public sphere. Instead of breaking out of the dichotomy that exists between a liberal civil society and the state, Marxism rejected all reforms within the publ ic sphere and considered socialist transformation as the only solution. In this context, to overcome the weak points as seen within the orthodox liberal democracy theory and Marxist theory, Curran suggested amalgamation of the collectivist approach with a general market approach, for democratisation of public sphere by making it more representative and accessible. Analysing mass media as a part of the public sphere from a modern perspective has helped modern liberal democracy theory to transcend the traditional civil society-state polarisation that has dictated all media debate until recently (Dahlgren 1991). Orthodox democratic theory rejected the method in which differences were made between public and private domains, which currently is the chief factor in the definition of public sphere within the realms of liberal democracy theory. The mediation role of mass media and broadcasting currently encompasses almost all areas extending from the home to the workplace (Curran 1991).Ã
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Brooklyn Museum of Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Brooklyn Museum of Art - Essay Example It seems that the grey balanced against the purple color works to express a sort of bland, yet unique perspective on reality. One of the most thought provoking notions in the context of this work is the depiction of the artistââ¬â¢s inner feelings. One considers that poetry functions to articulate ideas and feelings that prose is not able to capture. In terms of this painting, itââ¬â¢s clear that the color imagery is able to depict aspects of the human condition that other modes of expression are not able to capture. While the nature of the individual artistââ¬â¢s feelings and unique world perspective is visible in the first work observed, the second work furthers the notion of the articulation of an individualââ¬â¢s interaction with the world. III. no title, 1960. As witnessed in this work, two spectres of most conceivably human figures are depicted. In addition to articulating aspects of the human experience that perhaps couldnââ¬â¢t be articulated in other artistic mediums, this painting expands the human perception of reality. In these regards, simply viewing this work functions to create a sense of feeling or emotion. This way the painting or artists work expands the perspectives on reality, and highlights that which is beautiful in the human experience. The painting itself seems to rely on crisp yet abstract design to illustrate a similar mental state. The image in the background also appears to be melding into the background, just as one might imagine a long lost memory or spectre of experience to do. When considering the visit to the Brooklyn Museum of Art from an overarching perspective, itââ¬â¢s clear the experience was highly enlightening. I would definitely recommend that other people visit the museum and have this experience as it... In this essay, the author makes some analysis of this museum experience. He shows us the paintings which were created when Hesse was at a young age, being only twenty-four years old. While the paintings are unnamed, there are identified through Roman Numerals. In these regards, the first painting in the exhibit that I spent time examining was IV. The writer describes some works of Art, share with his opinion, urges to visit the museum. He understands this painting is the connection between furthered understanding of the idea of the human through art. It seems that this work has no hidden message, but functions as a means of articulating the artistââ¬â¢s mood. It seems that the grey balanced against the purple color works to express a sort of bland, yet unique perspective on reality. When considering the visit to the Brooklyn Museum of Art from an overarching perspective, itââ¬â¢s clear the experience was highly enlightening. Hedefinitely recommend that other people visit the museum and have this experience as it presents a number of learning opportunities. In addition to the Spectres exhibit, the museum contains a wide variety of contemporary and ancient art. For instance, the ancient Egyptian artifacts were exciting to see simply for their age. In all the expansive nature of the museum grants the visitor a great perspective on culture and art. Abundant evidence that the author are impressed and very happy to to the museum.
The Role of Public Relations in a Modern Liberal Democracy Essay
The Role of Public Relations in a Modern Liberal Democracy - Essay Example Some experts contend that the extent to which media works as a public sphere, representing the civic populace, while remaining free and accessible to all, works as a chief indicator of democracy within a political order. This stems from an old tradition that positions media at a juncture between the governed and the governors. Thus, from this viewpoint democracy appears as a relative concept, where its nature is dependent on the movement of public information. This, in turn, helps to ascertain to what extent the citizens can take steps grounded in informed decisions to make the governors liable for their activities. From the perspective of the orthodox democracy theory, the public sphere is a realm between the two distinctly separate two areas, civil society and the state, which ensures protections for each individual within the society. According to the Liberal theory, the public sphere is equal to the political sphere, and the mass mediaââ¬â¢s public role is delineated in relati on to the state. The liberal theory theorizes on the virtues of civil society's ascendency over the state (Curran 1991). Along with this, it also views the market as the process optimally suited for addressing all information requirements of society. However, as market-led information to tend to move through privatization, conglomeration and deregulation, after a certain limit it fails to meet the requirements necessary for maintaining democratic ideals of freedom and equal accessibility (Garnham 1986). Major contentions to the liberal press theories have faced challenges from the other democratic theory pertaining to the Marxist viewpoint. From the position of an orthodox Marxist, within capitalist societies, the public sphere tends to disguise the ascendency of media that does not directly confront the liberal nature of the public sphere. Instead of breaking out of the dichotomy that exists between a liberal civil society and the state, Marxism rejected all reforms within the publ ic sphere and considered socialist transformation as the only solution. In this context, to overcome the weak points as seen within the orthodox liberal democracy theory and Marxist theory, Curran suggested amalgamation of the collectivist approach with a general market approach, for democratisation of public sphere by making it more representative and accessible. Analysing mass media as a part of the public sphere from a modern perspective has helped modern liberal democracy theory to transcend the traditional civil society-state polarisation that has dictated all media debate until recently (Dahlgren 1991). Orthodox democratic theory rejected the method in which differences were made between public and private domains, which currently is the chief factor in the definition of public sphere within the realms of liberal democracy theory. The mediation role of mass media and broadcasting currently encompasses almost all areas extending from the home to the workplace (Curran 1991).Ã
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Analyzing the Marketing Mix Strategy of Apple Inc Essay Example for Free
Analyzing the Marketing Mix Strategy of Apple Inc Essay Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and personal computers Over the last decade, Apple has redefined the music business through the iPod, the cellphone business through the iPhone and the entertainment and media world through the iPad. Its software includes the Mac OS X operating system, the iTunes media browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity software, the iWork suite of productivity software, iTunes, a proprietary media player application that works with iTunes store and allow customers to download music and offers other features of consumer electronics, the Safari web browser, and iOS, a mobile operating system. During the past 36 years, Apple has become a famous brand that technology of the world known and highly admired by the ingenious strategy, modern and sleek design, and always bring the products to satisfy consumers. Understanding how to think of Apple as product design, promotion, price and how to distribute it to customer that helps us to see the direction and shape of products that the company will launch in the near future. There have been few studies about Marketing Strategy of Apple Inc such as Maketing Fundamental Project (Christine, 2010),Marketing Mix of Apple Inc. Norm, 2012), Marketing Mix: Apple iPod (Angela, 2009), Accounting and Financial Analysis (Sachitanand, Denisa Alcides, 2008), External and Internal Factors on Apple Inc. (David, 2008) Apple and CEO Steve Jobs is enjoying the glory days in recent years by reputation and the success of the blockbuster iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Air.. However Apples not perfect in every way. In fact, the company also has great disadvantages need to improve in the future. What are the weaknesses of Apple that their opponents could exploit? There is little information of the customerââ¬â¢s feedback about the same mistakes of the products that have not been overcome by Apple Inc such as: No new design: a way of repeating the design of the 3G and 3G versions, ip4 and ip4s version, and the newest is ipad 2 and the new ipad design that a reason to make many people were disappointed because Apple did not release a new product is completely different design than the old version. With Ipod Gen 4, IP4s and The New Ipad products are common defects about low battery and overheat when using constantly 1 hour for playing game and searching web with Wifi and 3G. So far, Apple Inc. has some explanations but not yet for solution to the problem. They claim that ongoing research and promises to be a solution in the nearest time. Before success can not deny of Apple product and research to find out the cause of success is significant for managers. Especialy, when we is preparing to step into the process of global integration with the world economy. The prupose of this report is to determine whether competitive strategy can be attractive more tastes of customers, and this present paper is aimed at: ââ¬Å"The Marketing Mix Strategy of Apple Inc. â⬠It is hoped that information from this study may be useful in identifying the right product must be exhibited to right people at the right place, right price and right time.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Puma Ag Rudolf Dassler Sport Marketing Essay
Puma Ag Rudolf Dassler Sport Marketing Essay Introduction The Report presents a comprehensive analysis of NIKE INC. NIKE was founded in January 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight and incorporated in 1968 under the laws of the state of Oregon. Its worlds leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Product/Service Nike produces a wide range of Footwear, Apparel and Sports Equipments. Nikes Wholly-owned subsidiaries include Cole Haan, Converse Inc, Hurley International LLC and Umbro Ltd Target Market Nikes target market for their shoes, clothes and other accessories are males and females between 18 and 35 years old. It also targets active and sporty people as it provides products for all kinds of sports. Goals and Objectives Nikes goal is toà carry on his legacy of innovative thinking, whetherà to develop products that help athletes of every level of ability reach their potential, or to create business opportunities that set Nike apart from the competition and provide value for our shareholders. Management Philip H. Knight, Chairman of the Board of Directors Mark Parker, President Chief Executive Officer, NIKE, Inc. Charlie Denson, President, NIKE Brand INTRODUCTION NIKE was founded in January 1964 as Blue Ribbon Sports by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight and incorporated in 1968 under the laws of the state of Oregon. Its worlds leading designer, marketer and distributor of authentic athletic footwear, apparel, equipment and accessories for a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. Nike became globally recognized for its swoosh logo and its trademark slogan Just do it. Nikes Wholly-owned subsidiaries include: Cole Haan which designs markets and distributes luxury shoes, handbags, accessories and coats. Converse Inc which designs markets and distributes athletic footwear, apparel and accessories. Hurley International LLC which designs markets and distributes action sports and youth lifestyle footwear, apparel and accessories. Umbro Ltd is leading United Kingdom based global football (soccer) brand.,_Inc. THE MARKET ENVIRONMENT Geographical Market Nikes world headquarters is located near Beaverton, Oregon, a suburb of Portland.Today Nike operates in more than 160 countries around the globe like U.S, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific and Americas. Business Nike specializes in Footwear, apparels and equipments. In addition to its namesake Nike brand, the company also develops and markets footwear and apparel products under the Cole Haan, Converse, Hurley International, and Umbro Inc which are nikes owned subsidiaries. Pest-G Analysis Nike is an international organization and needs to focus on macro environmental factors. Macro environmental factors comprise Political, Economics, Society, and Technology. BCG Matrix Nike is established within its markets from economies of scale. Hence places them in the Cash Cows category on the BCG Matrix. Cash cows market growth has slowed and hence the products hold a fairly stable market share. THE COMPETITION Main Competitors The main competitors of Nike are:- Adidas AG New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. PUMA AG Rudolf Dassler Sport Sales and Profit trends Adidas AG During the first half of the year 2010, Adidas sales are à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 5590 millions and profit is à ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬ 2727 millions. There is an increase of 11% of sales and an increase of 20.2% of profit in 2010. New Balance Athletic Shoe Inc At the end of the year 2008, the total revenue was 1640.00 M. PUMA AG Rudolf Dassler Sport At the end of year 2009, the total revenue was 3526.70 M. Market share Adidas AG Adidas acquires 6% of the global athletic apparel market and 16% of the global athletic footwear market. New balance Athletic Shoes Inc New Balance Athletic Shoes acquires 6% of the global athletic footwear market. PUMA AG Rudolf Dassler Sport Puma acquires 2% of the global athletic apparel market and 7% of the global athletic footwear market. Target markets Adidas Adidass target market is mainly the urban youth with the brand position and the potential target market is the principal consumption centers like the metros. New Balance Athletic Shoes Inc New Balance target young consumers with the same zeal of its rivals Puma AG By shifting their brand proposition Puma broadened their target market from solely sport to lifestyle and even fashion. THE COMPANY Sales and profit trends During the year 2009, Nikes sales were $2,583 million whereas in 2010 it is $2741 million. The profits earned during the year 2009 were $2216 million whereas in 2010 it is $2434 million. There is an increase of 6% in profits and 10% in sales in the year 2010. Market share Nike is the clear market leader with 31% of the global athletic footwear market and 7% of the global athletic apparel market. Business sectors Footwear Nike specializes in athletic footwear particularly in running, cross-training, basketball, and soccer. It also sells sport-inspired casual footwear like its Air Force Ones footwear line. Nikes Footwear sales increased by 14% in 2009 reaching about $10.3 billion. Hence 54% of revenue comes from the footwear sector. Apparel Nike also sells sports apparel such as running shorts, t-shirts, and licensed apparel (with logos of college and professional sports teams). Apparel sales totaled $5.24 billion in 2009, a 0.2% increase from a year earlier. Equipments Nike also sells sports equipment such as balls, protective equipment, and golf clubs. Sales of Nike branded equipment has reached $1.11 billion in 2009 which resulted in 9.5% increase from 2008. Others Nike also sells apparel and footwear under the Nike Golf, Cole Haan, Converse, Hurley International, and Umbro brand names. Project focus Since Nike is specialized and famous in athletic footwear, I have selected footwear sector as my project focus. SWOT analysis THE COMPANYS MARKETING STRATEGY Segmentation According to Philip Kotler Market Segmentation is the subdividing of market into homogeneous sub-set of customers, where any subset may conceivably be selected as market target to be reached with distinct Marketing Mix. (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() Nike segments the international markets by geographic location; the United States, the Americas, Asia Pacific and Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Targeting A target market or target audience is a group of customers that the business has decided to aim its marketing efforts and ultimately its merchandise. Nikes target market for their shoes, clothes and other accessories are males and females between 18 and 35 years old. It also targets active and sporty people as it provides products for all kinds of sports. (function() { var scribd = document.createElement("script"); scribd.type = "text/javascript"; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })() Positioning The process by which marketers try to create an image or identity in the minds of their target market for its product, brand, or organization. Nike products are easily available in different retail and outlet stores all over the world such as Sun and Sand Sports. Nike products are also available at their own Nike store online and Nike town. Differentiation/Low Cost Leadership/Focus Low price compare to its high quality products. Edge cutting products. E.g. Nike + iPod Cushioning technologies in its shoes. Patents all its new technologies Growth Strategy To create innovative products, amazing brand experiences, and premium retail destinations wherever consumers connect with NIKE. -Mark Parker, President and CEO, NIKE, Inc Generic strategy Nike uses network structure Nike implemented Differentiation Strategies THE MARKETING MIX Product Nike is trying to meet the consumer needs. Nike realizes that the clients could be participating in more than one sporting event and they need a huge range of products to meet all their sporting needs. The Companys innovation has added great value to its products. For example, there are some Nike shoes that have been installed with radio devices to measure runners pace. Nikes quality products, loyal customer base and its great marketing techniques all contribute to make the shoe empire a huge success. Some of the Nike shoes are Nike Jordon, Nike air force classic, Nike air max, Nike Shox etc. Price Nike has designed to be competitive to other fashion shoe retailers. Nike targets the consumers who accept product intimacy and thus care less about the product. This enables Nike to set pretty higher prices than its competitors. This strategy helps to push product perceived product value. Once the consumers develop product intimacy, they come to associate their person with the product and will pay whatever price quoted on the product with Nike logo on it. Nike uses the vertical integration pricing strategy in which the steps involved in the production and/or distribution of a product or service are controlled by NIKE, in order to increase that companys or entitys power in the marketplace. Place Nike shoes are sold in multi-brand stores and the exclusive Nike stores across the globe. Nike sells its product to about 20,000 retail accounts in the U.S. and in almost 200 countries around the world ( . The Company sells its products directly or it uses subsidiaries and distributors. It also sells its products through internet as it has its own online Nike store and Nike town. Because the company is located all over the world and it also uses licensed distributors because it is rather difficult to reach all those parts of the globe. Promotion Nike has a number of famous athletes that serve as brand ambassadors such as the Brazilian Soccer Team (especially Ronaldino, Renaldo, and Roberto Carlos), Lebron James and Jermane ONeal for basketball, Lance Armstrong for cycling, and Tiger Woods for Golf. Sponsoring of events is another great promotional technique for Nike. Web sites are a great promotional tool as they cover these events. Events like Hoop It Up and The Golden West Invitational. Nike make the websites exclusively for a sport such as,, and EVALUATION OF COMPANYS STRATEGIES AND TACTICS Evaluation of companys current position Strong brand recognition. Top endorser. Global leader in athletic shoe market. The swoosh is nationally recognized by 97 percent of the American population. Nike is leading the U.S. marketplace in athletic footwear. Through aggressive advertising, endorsements by the leading professional athletes in nearly every major sport, and a high-quality product, Nike has been able to sustain a competitive advantage. They continue to show growth in the athletic footwear industry. Evidence of companys success (refer to the graphs in appendix) The total revenue during 2010 was $19014 million, a little less than the previous year. EPS performance of Nike has increased from $3.03 in 2009 to $3.86 in 2010. Return on invested capital has also increased from 17.8% in 2009 to 20.7% in 2010. The gross profit has increased from $8,604,400 in 2009 to $8,800,400 in 2010. The net income has increased from $1,486,700à in 2009 to $1,906,700 in 2010. Revenue distributions of Nike in international markets have increased from 49% in 2009 to 53% in 2010. Increased stock performance by 90% in comparison of SP 500. Nike has always remained on the preference list of athletes and athletic footwear was indeed the first category of products launched by the company more than 30 years ago. Today, you can see the craze for its products, not only among athletes, but also among golfers and other sportspeople. Prospects for future growth/success. Offer economical price to variable consumers around the world. Open up more stores and franchise to reach maximum buyers. Have more communication with their customers and receive feedback from them to help create imagine that Nike care for its customers. Come up with more new ideas of designing the shoes. CONCLUSION Nike, Inc. is a company rooted in competition. From equipping athletes with the finest sports equipment in the world to continuously improving their financial performance, Nike dominates its competitors. Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman probably could not have imagined in 1962 to what degree their $500 investments would yield in 2010. They did know that product quality and innovation would help athletes to achieve greater goals. It is one that has helped athletes and stakeholders alike to realize athletic and financial greatness. Despite a changing marketplace for athletic footwear, Nike wants to expand their product lines and marketing reach to become a more powerful global brand. Nike has existed for more than 35 years and is still willing to travel a long distance of popularity. APPENDICES 400px-Footwear_market_shares.png400px-Apparel_market_shares.png chart-revenue.gif chart-eps.gifchart-roi.gif chart-stock.gif chart-distrib.gif
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